Animals have emotions too.They feel fear, anger, jealousy, and depression just like us.
The Bach Flower Remedies are able to help our animals when they have negative emotions just as they help us when we are emotionally out of balance. Unfortunately, we are not able to ask our pet why it acts depressed, but we do know if it misses a friend or gets overly excited around new people.
The Bach Flower Remedies are safe for both humans and animals.
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The Bach Flower Remedies is a natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1920-30th. The Bach Flower Remedies helps people as well as animals recover from emotional imbalances by restoring them with positive emotions.
The most commonly used remedy for pets is called Rescue Remedy has been used successfully on animals who have experienced trauma, have fear of thunder and firework, dislike visits to the Vet and Groomer. Dog owners have experienced success when using Rescue Remedy on their dogs with seizures.
In addition the Rescue Remedy there are a total of 38 Bach Flower Remedies that in combination can help all emotional imbalances ranging from fears, hyperactivity, jealousy, over-protective, possessive, overly-needy, lack self-confidence, inability to learn and anything in between.
It may at first be hard to decide which remedy to choose for your pets behavior, but as you get to know your pets and animals you understand how they feel, you can see the change of attitude if you introduce a new family member to the family and the pet may feel jealous, and therefore need Holly. Or your cat may be very needy for our attention and therefore require Chicory. Some animals dislike anything to do with the car, vet and grooming and may need either Mimulus and or Rescue Remedy. A barking dog may be fearful and lack confidence and may need Mimulis and Larch.
By looking at our pet’s environment and the personality we can determine which of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies our pet needs.
Directions on how to give the Bach Remedies to animals:
Rescue Remedy can be rubbed on the animals gum, ears or paws as needed or you can add 2 drops to the drinking water.
To make a treatment bottle you get a 30ml/1oz mixing bottle and add 2 drops of each Remedy. You can combine up to 6 or 7 Remedies in a treatment bottle.As preservative (optional) you can add 1 tsp of vegetable glycerin. Then you fill the bottle with water.From this mixture you give your pet 4 drops, 4 times a day until it feels better. You can also add 1 drop from each remedy to your pets drinking bowl, or rub a little on their paws or ears 4 times a day.